Saturday, January 31, 2009

Work in Progress - Titan Gladiator

I finally started painting my Titan Gladiator today. So far I've finished the skin areas and figured I would post some pics. All in all it took about and hour and a half to finish this much.

I started with a base coat of GW Shadow Grey. I really like this color because it's kind of bluish in color which looks really good. I did two coats of this using a 1:1 mixture of paint and water.

This is after the final highlights have been added. I stuck with the Shadow Grey but mixed in a single drop of GW Codex Grey for each successive highlight. I used three layers of highlights on the base coat.

I found that working on the Gladiator was much easier than Morghoul. The large areas took time to cover but were easier to work with. On a large model like this it's easier to see the muscular definition which makes adding highlights much easier. I also left the shoulder armor and the tusks off to make painting easier.

I'll probably start on the armor tonight or tomorrow and I will post pictures as soon as I can.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Introducing Master Tormentor Vold....uh...Morghoul

I decided to go with a different paint scheme for this army. I know, I set my blog to match traditional Skorne colors, but I think that works better than trying to read a blog written in green, white, gold and silver.

One thing I learned from painting this model is that it's better to do multiple thin coats of paint if you have the patience; the detail comes out better and the colors look richer. I didn't take my own advice when applying the metal colors. When drybrushing you can't use thin paint, but if you see the miniature in person the metals on the mask and claws look thicker than the paint everywhere else. I use about a 1:1 mix of paint and water currently. The first layer hardly covers any of the black primer but the color starts to build up pretty quickly if you keep at it.

One thing I'm going to do differently in the future is use darker greens. On this model I used the greens I had at the house: snot green and goblin green. In the future I would like to start with Dark Angels green and transition to a snot green highlight to give the model a darker look overall. I also went with a dark gray skin color; I'm not sure if I like it. It looks fine, but I don't think it provides enough contrast to the rest of the model. I might change that in the future.

This is the base I created for Morghoul. It was really easy. I bought some craft sand from Michaels for less than $2 to use for the base. The rock is made from a piece of cork tile.

I started with a base coat of GW Tallarn Flesh. I went over that with a wash of GW Ogryn Flesh wash. My first highlight was a dry brushing of GW Tausept Ochre followed by a final highlight of GW Bleached Bone. I haven't tried any of the P3 paints but I've heard good things about them. If anyone has anything to say about them, good or bad, let me know.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blogging inconsistencies

I'm learning that when you blog you share as much information as you think would be interesting with people. What that means is you're leaving certain things out; things that might lead to confusion down the road.

I was reading through my blog finding some mistakes that I didn't catch earlier and realized that in my Jan 25th post I said I was done with Morghoul. Then in a post today I said I am going to try and finish Morghoul tomorrow. Huh?

What actually happened is I finished Morghoul but I wasn't quite satisfied with some of the choices I made so I started to re-paint parts of him. At this time this re-painting is still in progress and I'd still like to go back and work on some more details.

Pictures coming tomorrow

I took some pictures of my mostly finished Morghoul tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to install the requisite software, upload the pictures and get them hosted. I don't own a good digital camera so I used my friend's digital camcorder to take some pictures; I hope they turn out all right.

I'm going to finish Morghoul tomorrow while I'm at it since I'll probably have time to get some painting done. I'd like to start on my Titan Gladiator too.

Speaking of photo hosting; does anyone have anything to suggest? I used to use Village Photo to host old pictures for forum avatars not too long ago, but I haven't tried any other websites so there may be something better. Where do you host your photos?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cyclops Savages: 1 - Me: 1

Well, these Cyclops Savages are proving to be a real pain. I've finally got one assembled, after a little gap filling it will be ready to prime.

The second Savage however is just completely messed up. I have the right arm and the hands/weapon piece assembled but the left arm piece isn't going to fit. It's so far off that I can't just get it close and then fill in some gaps with greenstuff and do some minor sculpting to make it look right. This fix is going to have to involve cutting the arm apart and using wire and greenstuff to completely reshape the angle of the arm.

I was considering dropping one of the Savages for a Krea on the way to 500 points and this is probably going to make the decision for me.

I did finish painting Morghoul. I've finished a base for him too but the slot isn't big enough so I'll need to file Morghoul's tab to get him to fit. I'm not going with the normal red/black/gold color scheme that is normal for Skorne. I've decided to go with a green/white/silver/gold scheme instead. I'll try to get some pictures posted soon to show my progress.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Getting Small

I had the idea of this blog for a couple of months but I wasn't sure I wanted to do it. Then I was listening to the Iron Agenda podcast and they mentioned a blog called Getting Small. I checked it out and saw that is was pretty much the same idea I had but it's been around since October.

I really like reading this blog, it's well written and, most importantly, updated frequently. The blog follows Cereal John's adventures with the Protectorate of Menoth. It's a good read and I would suggest reading it even if you have no interest in the Protectorate.

Gearing up

I'm finally getting some paint on my models. I'm about 80% done with Morghoul, I would have been finished but one of the paints I was going to use dried out since the last time I used it so I'll have to get some more. I wanted to try glaze medium for the first time but I bought the wrong kind so I need to return it to Michaels and get the right stuff.

I still haven't finished assembling the Cyclops Savages. They're taunting me....

I hope to have them assembled by next weekend, if not painted, so that I can drive to Tampa to play my first game.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Skorne are the Jack Bauer of Hordes

So maybe they're not the Jack Bauer of Hordes, but they sure are into torture. I'm starting to learn this as I try to assemble my models.

Currently I'm working on the warpack which contains Morghoul, a Titan Gladiator and two Cyclops Savages. Morghoul was easy. The Titan wasn't too bad but he did require a lot of gap filling. There was a gap about a quarter of an inch on his front torso that I had to fill and I had to sculpt some new ropes to hold up his gut armor.

The real torture are the Savages. Getting the arms lined up so they all fit correctly has proven to be a huge pain. I'm trying not to glue them onto the body since it would make painting hard, I'll probably end up having to pin all of the pieces together. I hate pinning.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And the answer is...

Ok, so it wasn't a huge surprise, I chose the Skorne. Why play Skorne you ask?

I spent a lot of time looking at all of the factions. I read the books, looked at forums, read everything I could at the Battle College and listened to every episode of Fell Calls. There's a ton of information to sift through when choosing an army.

I took my time because I'm notorious for changing my mind when it comes to choosing an army/race/class in games that give me options. Don't get me wrong, I love options, but they cause a lot of indecision on my part. After weeks of reading, listening and thinking about what I wanted to play I had it narrowed down to three possible factions: Cryx, Circle Orboros or Skorne.

There was a lot in each of those factions that appealed to me. What ended up being the deciding factor though was the fact that Skorne seems very underplayed. From the many posts that I've read and a poll on the Dakka Dakka forums Skorne is the least popular army among the main factions. This appealed to me because I thought it would be nice to fill a niche and give my opponents the opportunity to play against something they might not get to play often.

Then again I might just show up at the local friendly gaming store only to find out Skorne isn't so unpopular in this area.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Seeing as how this is my first blog post I'll start with some pertinent information.

First of all I am new to Warmachine/Hordes. I've been interested in them for quite some time. In fact, I bought the Hordes book when it first came out, but until now, due to real life situations and other hobbies, I haven't taken the plunge.

If you're looking for great tactical insight this isn't going to be the blog for you, at least not for a long time. If, however, you're interested in following my journey in this game from the beginning I hope you stick around.

So I'm new, and I have a passing knowledge of the rules, but as someone who prefers to learn games by playing them I've got a lot to look forward to. That's all before I even start thinking about trying to win a game.

I have to wrap my head around the rules which I'll do mostly by playing the game. I also have to buy, assemble and paint an army before I can even play a game. Well, I have to do the first two at least, I'm not going to rush a paint job just to field a painted army, but I'm also not going to get stuck in the habit of playing a primed army forever.

But first, I have to choose what army to play. What will I choose? Hmmm.....