Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And the answer is...

Ok, so it wasn't a huge surprise, I chose the Skorne. Why play Skorne you ask?

I spent a lot of time looking at all of the factions. I read the books, looked at forums, read everything I could at the Battle College and listened to every episode of Fell Calls. There's a ton of information to sift through when choosing an army.

I took my time because I'm notorious for changing my mind when it comes to choosing an army/race/class in games that give me options. Don't get me wrong, I love options, but they cause a lot of indecision on my part. After weeks of reading, listening and thinking about what I wanted to play I had it narrowed down to three possible factions: Cryx, Circle Orboros or Skorne.

There was a lot in each of those factions that appealed to me. What ended up being the deciding factor though was the fact that Skorne seems very underplayed. From the many posts that I've read and a poll on the Dakka Dakka forums Skorne is the least popular army among the main factions. This appealed to me because I thought it would be nice to fill a niche and give my opponents the opportunity to play against something they might not get to play often.

Then again I might just show up at the local friendly gaming store only to find out Skorne isn't so unpopular in this area.


  1. Yay! another new WM/H blog. Wow, you listened to ALL of the Fellcasts? That's a lot. Cool, though, that you created a blog and dedicated it to Skorne too. There aren't very many people in my area that play Skorne either, so kudos to you. I will post a link to your blog on my own (more for my own benefit) and drop in to take a look from time to time.

  2. Thank you for the comments. I'll be following your blog too, I find blogs like this are a great way to stay motivated.

    I've listened to about 90% of the Fellcall podcasts. Luckily I work at a job where I can listen to podcasts and music while I work so you can get through those episodes pretty quick.
